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1. Agendas made EASY
Outline agendas with professional, easily customizable templates.
2. Note-Taking made SIMPLE
Simplify notetaking, decision making and turn discussions into action plans.
3. Professional Minutes made EFFORTLESS
Select the style. Edit and proofread minutes. Publish and distribute.
Never miss a deadline again!
Leave the meeting with total confidence of who needs to do what, when, and how with clear Action Items. Track due dates, priority, and even manage cross-meeting projects. MeetingBooster puts all your meeting's actions into one place.
Automate your follow up’s and integrate with tasks systems such as MS Outlook, to never miss a deadline again.

Recurring Meetings Made Easy
Organize your recurring meetings, for example board meetings or committee meetings. Empower your teams to keep track of minutes, decisions, and tasks for all meetings in each series.

Experience the power of MeetingBooster in your next meeting!
Don’t suffer through another meeting without MeetingBooster.
Questions? Contact Us Today!
+1-813-254-6644 |