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Case Study

Innovate In The Planning, Running And Follow-up Of Your Council Meetings

Emmanuel Dutay
Director of ServicesTown Council of Ballan-Miré
GovernmentCan you explain to us how you use MeetingBooster in the Town Council?
I use MeetingBooster to manage our weekly town council meetings, which involve the mayor and all the town councilors and deputies.
Not only does MeetingBooster make it faster and simpler to prepare and distribute the agenda, but using it during the meeting also has many benefits, such as being able to generate the meeting minutes in real time, or allocating tasks to the participants on the fly, which is an extremely useful and productive function of this application.
The task management features make it easy to follow up on decisions taken and ideas proposed by the members during the debates. And the meeting duration countdown ensures that the discussions stay within their allotted schedules at all times. I plan to extend the use of MeetingBooster to our management committee meetings and then to our services management meetings.
A few key questions about the benefits of MeetingBooster: where do you gain time? which features give you a better overview compared to the tools you used previously? what is improved or simplified?
Generating the meeting minutes is of course much easier, but one of the real benefits is to be able to access them from anywhere, and to search all past meeting minutes using keywords.
There are obvious time savings in the handling of agendas and minutes, but their completeness and integration within the whole system is even more valuable.
In your opinion, what kind of organization could benefit from using MeetingBooster? Who would you recommend it to?
I think this tool could profitably be used by any local or regional public office whose responsibilities involve planning, managing and following-up working party meetings.
It will be particularly useful for any organization wanting to reduce the time currently taken by dedicated note-takers to record discussions and produce meeting minutes manually. In this sense, I believe it is a tool that would appeal to most organizations.

Emmanuel Dutay
Director of ServicesTown Council of Ballan-Miré
GovernmentI use MeetingBooster to manage our weekly town council meetings, which involve the mayor and all the town councilors and deputies.
Generating the meeting minutes is of course much easier, but one of the real benefits is to be able to access them from anywhere, and to search all past meeting minutes using keywords.